Raw Food Education LLC (“RFE”) (“Seller”) and (“You”) (“Purchaser”) agree to this Raw Food Summit purchase (“Agreement”), as follows:

Relationship of Parties in Contract

The information from the summit interviews are for educational purposes only. The information provided is not to be taken as medical or personal health advice. Purchasing of any Raw Food Summit or summits from this site does not establish a doctor patient relationship with Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C., or any of the summit doctors or other participants and You. 

Responsibility and Rights of Each Party

The purchase of this electronic product allows You access to all summit interviews purchased in each summit package. RFE will maintain the interviews, and provide the links and general instructions to allow you access to your purchase(s). It is your responsibility to provide the technical knowledge, equipment, data plans, fees, and other technology and requirements necessary to access this (these) electronic product(s). We offer no technical support or training for the use of the required knowledge or equipment necessary for access.

No Refunds

All sales are final and no refunds are offered.

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

You acknowledge that the summit material including the videos and audio recordings, and any additional information provided as part of any summit package are copyrighted material and are the sole and exclusive property of RFE and the individual summit speakers. You agree that You will not share, sell, repackage, capture, copy, distribute, or make derivatives of any of the material, including videos, audio recordings, or any other information provided in any summit package.

You agree that You will not share Your login credentials with anyone else or arrange public or group viewings or broadcasts of the provided material. You agree that sharing of your login credentials with anyone else violates this Agreement and will result in forfeiture of Your access to the summit materials with no refunds provided. You also agree that You will be liable if anyone you share your login credentials with violates any terms of this Agreement.


You may not agree with everything said in every interview. As described above the content provided is for educational purposes only. You do agree not to disparage directly or indirectly, or otherwise encourage others to disparage, RFE, staff, Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C., or any other summit participant. For purposes of this Paragraph, “disparage” shall mean any negligently or intentionally false, demeaning, or negative statement, whether written or oral, about RFE, staff, Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C., or other participants. Notwithstanding, this obligation to not disparage, to the extent permitted by California law, 


As technology, laws, and agreements change over the course of time, these terms of use may change accordingly as well. We encourage you to check back from time to time to see any updates that have occurred. Any changes made will be in keeping with the original intent of this Agreement.

Final Thoughts

If you have read this far we commend you for your diligence!! We thank you for your purchase and sincerely hope these interviews provide valuable education, inspiration, enjoyment, and increased well-being to your life! We encourage you to go for it, because you are worth it!